Monday, 10 October 2016

Surgical Strikes And Proofs....

A note journalist named Shahid Siddiqui said this around 4 years back “Stop criticizing Narendra Modi. Modi will make use of each and every criticism and become more and more powerful.” Nobody, absolutely nobody had paid any heed to him at that time and nobody who is today criticising Modi, is willing to learn the lesson. Modi in turn has not only become more and more and more powerful in past 14 years but has used all the stones thrown at him to build a bridge from Gujarat to Delhi to become the Prime Minister of India. He did not stop there and now is on his way to become one of the prominent leaders of world whose words carry importance. 
The way “International Solar Alliance” was formed and the way Modi gathered support for that can be a small proof of Narendra Modi being considered a good leader of international stature. Anyone who is interested can click on the link and read for themselves.
On the other hand, his political opponents in other parties are busy asking for proofs of surgical strikes. They have very conveniently (Modi’s convenience) fallen into the trap which Modi laid very cleverly.

Let’s put things in chronological order.
  • Uri happens
  • Modi goes to Kerala and passes some political comments
  • Everyone is dejected, even his supporters. No action, only words?
  • Sudden “Surgical Strike”
  • Entire country is euphoric. Media, people, are happy.
  • Modi gathers all kind of goodwill again.
  • Opponents don’t know what to do, so they do the easiest, praise army (not Modi)
  • Suddenly there is a clip from CNN about POK and each and every opponent of Modi is up with a demand of proofs of surgical strikes.

There are a few missing links in above points.

  • The announcement of Surgical strike was made by Lt. Gen. Ranbir Singh. He himself said that the proofs are there with the army.
  • Announcement was not made by political establishment.
  • Modi has not said a word about surgical strikes.

Had the announcement been made by any of minister or the PM himself, it would have been termed as a political statement. If proofs were given immediately, it would have been said that they were provided for gaining political mileage. Hence, Modi cleverly left it to army to do the talk and himself kept out of all the controversy.

Neither Modi nor any of his ministers took any credit or extract any political mileage of these strikes till the point opposition demanded proofs. Now since the announcement was done by army, a demand of proof should be deemed to be demanded from army not political establishment or the government. Since the rhetoric of asking proofs is growing by the day, such proofs may be made public and guess who will benefit out of that? Ofcourse Modi, who else? Hence I say, whatever Modi does, he has politics in it and his opponents don’t understand him.

Now in between all this rhetoric of demands of proof, Congress is claiming of such strikes in past. Here an important point is to be noted that nobody has yet asked a proof of earlier surgical strikes. Congress even doesn’t know whether the proof of such strikes exists or not. If the proof of recent strikes are provided, there will surely be a demand of proofs of earlier strikes and Congress or any opposition are not in a position today to provide them!!! That clearly means, Congress and other opposition will fall flat on their face if proofs of recent strikes are provided. Congress will have a new stamp on their face, “liars” apart from various tags such as corrupt, dynastic political party.

This is called a calculated effort. Work is done by army but by providing proofs, beneficiary is Modi and BJP. If today sudden elections are held in Gujarat, BJP will be winning with a landslide majority.

Modi is not only a workaholic PM but a very clever politician. His smallest actions has politics. He cleverly anticipates the consequences of his each action and has mostly a plan ready for each and every possible outcome and reactions from his opponents. Now also it is not impossible that he has put a calculated trap for opposition. He may have told army to claim surgical strikes, but cleverly exclude giving proofs. When time comes and rhetoric grows, slap opposition by throwing those proofs on their face. 

This man is not only different, but completely eligible to rule India for next 15 years at least.

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